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- ******* Virtual GameBoy *******
- The Portable Nintendo GameBoy Emulator
- version 0.7
- by Marat Fayzullin
- email: fms@freeflight.com
- IRC: RST38h
- WWW: http://www.freeflight.com/fms/
- (*) GameBoy is a registered trademark of Nintendo.
- o CPU emulation is somewhat sped up
- o CPU cycles (not ops) are now used for synchronization
- o LCD controller's state changes are done correctly
- (which may slow things down somewhat)
- o Sprite priorities implemented
- (which may slow things down somewhat)
- o RAM size bug fixed
- o Separate autofire for buttons A and B
- o Saving soundtrack into a file
- o Separate colors for background, window, and sprites
- o -nodelay is made default now
- Please, *carefully* read this manual. Do not write me email with
- questions answered in here, as such letters are going to be ignored: I
- have too many other things to do to answer the same questions over and
- over again.
- *Windows users* will find a special section downgraded in content for
- better comprehension.
- Virtual GameBoy (VGB) is a portable emulator of the Nintendo GameBoy
- handheld videogame console written in C. Although many things do not work
- quite well yet, it was able to run about 85% of games checked with it. You
- can always get the latest VGB source code, binaries, and support files
- from
- http://www.freeflight.com/fms/VGB/
- GameBoy-related archives with technical and other info are located at
- http://www.freeflight.com/fms/GameBoy/
- ftp://ftp.komkon.org/pub/GameBoy/
- There are versions of VGB for Amiga, Macintosh, and IBM PC (both
- MeSsyDOS and Windoze). Following people are maintaining ports of VGB to
- these systems:
- MSDOS: Marcel de Kogel [m.dekogel@student.utwente.nl]
- Windows: Marat Fayzullin [fms@wam.umd.edu]
- Macintosh: John Stiles [jstiles@cello.gina.calstate.edu]
- If you would like to port VGB to another system, or make changes in
- VGB's code *please*, contact me by email or some other means. Note, that
- VGB source code is freely distributable, but it is *not* public domain.
- You can not use it in commercial purposes unless you contact me to arrange
- the conditions of such usage and get my permission. Feel free to look at
- existing drivers as well as at other code. More explanations follow.
- This manual covers two different VGB distributions:
- 1. *** Source Code Distribution ***
- This distribution contains C sources of the emulator, and the
- screen/keyboard drivers for Unix/X. Virtual GameBoy has been tested on the
- following Unix systems:
- SunOS Solaris OSF/1 FreeBSD HP/UX Linux AIX
- 2. *** VGB-Windows Distribution ***
- Due to the flood of requests from the people who use DOS/Windows running
- PCs and are unable to compile the emulator on their own, I have ported VGB
- under Microsoft Windows. This distribution contains an executable of a
- limited version of VGB-Windows which doesn't allow you to reload a new
- game from a menu when emulation is already running, and has an annoying
- "Virtual GameBoy DEMO" message across its window. The uncrippled version
- of VGB-Windows is available for $35US from
- Marat Fayzullin
- 6304 Hampton Place
- Elkridge, MD 21227
- VGB-Windows is a 32-bit application which runs under Windows 95 and
- Windows NT. It is compiled with Borland C++ and needs Microsoft WinG
- library which can be obtained from
- ftp://ftp.microsoft.com/Softlib/MSFILES/WING10.EXE
- In order to use VGB-Windows, you will first have to install WinG
- graphical library which can be obtained from Microsoft (see address
- above). Borland's BWCC32.DLL is *no longer needed*, although you do need
- to have Windows95 in order to run VGB (3.xx will not do).
- All options are stored in the VGB.INI file individually for each game.
- Unregistered version does not support .INI file though, so you won't be
- able to store any options in it.
- VGB-Windows runs in a resizable window with the following menus:
- o File
- o New
- This option allows to run a new game.
- o Cheat
- This option allows to add and delete GameGenie codes. Codes are stored
- in the .INI file separately for each game. Up to 256 codes per game
- can be entered.
- o Setup
- This option pops up a setup dialog allowing to change all 4 GameBoy's
- colors and some emulation parameters:
- o Palette
- Use this group of controls to select a color and change its RGB
- components. The palette controls may not work very well if you
- run Windows in 256-color mode. Use 16-bit or 24-bit graphical
- mode for best effect. There are 12 colors you can adjust:
- 4 background colors, 4 window colors, and 4 sprite colors.
- o VBlank Period
- This parameter determines how many CPU cycles will be executed
- between vertical blanking interrupts. Setting it lower may speed
- up the emulation, but setting it too low will hang it.
- o Update Period
- This parameter determines how many vertical blanking interrupts
- will pass between window refreshes. It is usually set to 2, but
- you can increase it to make VGB work faster. The sprite
- movements become jerky at high update periods though, and some
- sprites may simply disappear.
- o Delay Line Interrupts
- If you see "dirty" horizontal lines in some games, you may turn
- this option on or off to remove them. There is no some universal
- state of this option which will work for all games though.
- o Check CRC
- With this switch off, VGB will not check the control sums of
- the loaded cartridges.
- o Save CPU
- With this switch on, VGB will suspend the execution when its
- window is inactive.
- o Autofire A
- Turn this on to make the [A] button generate series of keypresses
- instead of a single keypress.
- o Autofire B
- Turn this on to make the [B] button generate series of keypresses
- instead of a single keypress.
- o Reset
- By pressing this button, you restart VGB.
- o Quit
- Quit the emulation. A .SAV file will be saved if the game has a
- battery-backed RAM.
- o Size
- o 1:1 These options change the window size to be the same as in real
- o 2:1 GameBoy, or 2/3/4 times bigger. Please, note that you can change
- o 3:1 window size by simple dragging the bottom-right corner of a
- o 4:1 window with the mouse.
- o Help
- o Info
- This option will show information about the current cartridge,
- including its name, likely producer name, size, checksum, etc.
- o About
- This option will display a dialog box with copyright information
- and other legal stuff.
- 1. What is GameBoy?
- GameBoy is a handheld videogame machine produced by Nintendo. It is
- built around a custom CPU similar to Z80, but with some changes. GameBoy
- is frequently laughed at because of its reflective green-on-yellow LCD
- screen which in fact is its virtue. Due to the low power consumption of
- its LCD, GameBoy can work for 35 hours off 4 AA batteries. There is a lot
- of good games produced for GameBoy, both classics (Tetris, Pacman,
- Asteroids, etc.) and specific ones (Final Fantasy series for GB). It
- excells in RPGs and classic games where gameplay is more important than
- graphics. More information about GameBoy is available from
- http://www.freeflight.com/fms/GameBoy/
- 2. Where do I get GameBoy games?
- You buy the cartridges. GameBoy software is copyrighted and still sold.
- Therefore, its distribution is an act of piracy. Nothing prohibits you
- from backing up a cartridge you own and playing it on the emulator though.
- To back up a GameBoy cartridge, you can use either SmartCard copier (about
- $100 for a standalone version), or a self-built copier designed by Pascal
- Felber, description of which is available at
- http://www.freeflight.com/fms/GameBoy/
- YOU WHERE TO FIND THEM. I ignore such letters.
- 3. Where is the complete list of command line options of VGB?
- Use -help option. It will tell VGB to display all options available in
- your version. Following are the currently available options:
- -verbose <level> - Select debugging messages [5]
- 0 - Silent 1 - Startup messages
- 2 - Illegal writes 4 - Illegal CPU ops
- 8 - Bank switching
- -vperiod <period> - Set VBlank interrupts period [69905 cycles]
- -uperiod <period> - Number of interrupts per screen update [2]
- -help - Print this help page
- -cheat <GG code> - Activate a GameGenie cheat
- -delay/-nodelay - Delay/don't delay line interrupts [-nodelay]
- -crc/-nocrc - Check/don't check cartridge CRC [-crc]
- -autoa/-noautoa - Autofire/No autofire for button A [-noautoa]
- -autob/-noautob - Autofire/No autofire for button B [-noautob]
- -logsnd <filename> - Write soundtrack to a file [off]
- -trap <address> - Trap execution when PC reaches address [FFFFh]
- -shm/-noshm - Use/don't use MIT SHM extensions for X [-shm]
- -saver/-nosaver - Save/don't save CPU when inactive [-saver]
- -colorN <name> - Change color #N [white,#989898,#585858,black]
- -bcolorN <name> - Change background color #N [same]
- -scolorN <name> - Change sprite color #N [same]
- -wcolorN <name> - Change window color #N [same]
- 4. What are the keys used in VGB?
- [SPACE] - A button (also: A,S,D,F,G,H,J,K,L)
- [LALT] - B button (also: Z,X,C,V,B,N,M)
- [TAB] - SELECT button
- [ENTER] - START button
- [ESC] - Quit emulation (also: [F12])
- [F1] - Go into built-in debugger (Not implemented in Windows)
- [F2] - Show LCD controller registers (Not implemented in Windows)
- 5. Why is the emulator so slow on my PC?
- Because your PC is too slow to run it. The emulator is written entirely
- in C language and therefore is quite slow. Although it works on 486/33 and
- even 386/33 PCs, it runs best on a Pentium/90 or a DEC Alpha/150. You can
- try to speed it up by increasing -uperiod value controlling the number of
- interrupts between screen updates to 3-6, and by decreasing -iperiod value
- controlling the number of CPU cycles between interrupts.
- 6. Can I compile the emulator with my Borland/Turbo C compiler?
- You can, given that your compiler creates executables using flat 32bit
- memory model. Two PC compilers which do that are WATCOM (using DOS4GW DOS
- extender) and GCC (using DJPP extender). The only 32bit Borland/Turbo C
- compiler that I'm aware is for Windows though.
- 7. Is it legal to spread GameBoy cartridge snapshots?
- NO. Be aware of the fact that by using commercial software you haven't
- bought, you are commencing an act of piracy. Not that I care, anyway...
- 8. Why some games do not run with VGB?
- As it was said before, VGB emulation is not completely accurate yet.
- Also, some games will probably never run on VGB.
- o If emulator does not even recognize the ROM image, its CRC may be
- wrong. Try turning CRC checking off.
- although you really need to find an uncorrupted ROM image.
- o Check you ROM image size: it must be a multiple of 8192. If it is
- 512 bytes longer, then you may have a SmartCard copier header
- attached to it. In this case, remove first 512 bytes of the file.
- o If a game refuses to work, try increasing -vperiod value, or moving
- a "VBlank Period" knob in the VGB-Windows setup window.
- o If you see a group of "dirty" lines on VGB screen, or a game behaves
- strangely, try -delay/-nodelay options, or check/clear the "Delay
- Line Interrupts" checkbox in the VGB-Windows setup window.
- o If some sprites blink or do not appear at all, try changing -uperiod
- value from 1 to 10 (1 will give you the best picture, but the slowest
- emulation), or moving an "Update Period" knob in the VGB-Windows
- setup window.
- 9. Palette controls in VGB-Windows do not work.
- This probably means that you are running Windows in the 256-color mode.
- In this mode, not all of 256 possible colors are available, and you will
- be able to choose only from the available colors. Switch Windows into
- 16-bit or 24-bit graphics and palette will start working.
- 10. I start VGB-Windows, but it tells me that WING.DLL is not found.
- This means that you haven't installed WinG library necessary to run VGB.
- Check the information in the beginning of this manual on how to obtain
- WinG.
- 11. I start VGB-Windows, but it tells me that BWCC32.DLL is not found.
- VGB-Windows comes with a file called BWCC32.DLL. This file should be
- either kept in the directory from which VGB runs, or put into
- \WINDOWS\SYSTEM directory. If you haven't got this file, you are
- probably using an illegal distribution of VGB-Windows.
- 12. When compiling emulator under Unix, I get "undefined name" errors.
- This means that your linker can not find the libraries necessary for the
- emulator (namely, libX11.a and libXext.a) or some additional libraries
- (like libsocket.a and libnsl.a) are required. Find these libraries in your
- system and modify the Makefile so that the final invocation of the C
- compiler has "-L<path_to_libs>" options. If you have no libXext.a library,
- try #undefining MITSHM option.
- 13. When starting emulator under Unix, I get X_ShmAttach error.
- You are probably trying to run the emulator on a remote Xterminal while
- it attempts to use shared memory for interfacing with X. Use -noshm option
- to tell it not to use shared memory.
- 14. The emulation starts under Unix, but then I get X_PutImage error.
- Unix/X version of fMSX currently needs 256-color X. Neither 2-color
- nor TrueColor Xterminals will work with the drivers included into
- "official" VGB distribution.
- 15. I start the Unix version of the emulator but the window stays black.
- Some other X application took over all available colors so that the
- emulation could not allocate any for itself. Check if you run XV,
- Netscape, or something similar.
- 16. How can I get sound in VGB?
- The Unix/X version has no sound yet, although there are some works going
- on in this direction. In the "official" DOS version, use -s option. Your
- soundcard should be SoundBlasterPro-compatible though, and the sound is
- very rudimentary.
- 17. How can I get joystick to work with VGB?
- Joystick is not supported yet.
- If you are compiling the emulator under Unix, use Makefile. Notice that
- #define UNIX is present in this case.
- The emulation is written in fairly portable C code and may therefore be
- compiled with any decent ANSI C compiler. It relies on a flat 32bit memory
- model though, so Borland compilers will choke on it. Standard CC or GCC
- should do the job under Unix, although beware of GCC code generation
- bugs. If you are working under MeSsyDOS, use WATCOM C which is known to
- work. Under (God prohibits) Windows, use Borland C++ which has 32bit
- compilation model. On Amiga, use SAS/C. On Macintoshes, use Metrowerks C.
- If you are using an Intel-based computer or any other machine which has
- least-significant-byte-first data layout (for example, DEC Alpha), insert
- #define LSB_FIRST
- in the beginning of Z80.h file. The emulator will not work otherwise.
- If you put
- #define DEBUG
- in the beginning of Z80.h, the emulator will print debugging information
- about CPU registers after executing each command. You can turn debugging
- on and off by setting Trace variable to 1 and 0 accordingly. Also, by
- setting Trap variable to some address you will make it start tracing when
- PC reaches this address (-trap option).
- When you port the program to a new machine, you have to write a set of
- drivers for keyboard, sprites, and all the screen modes you want to
- emulate. The emulator comes with a set of drivers for XWindows system.
- The common code for these drivers is located in Common.h and can be used
- for other systems too. Screen drivers use simple XSIZE*YSIZE array of
- bytes to generate image, so in most cases you will only need to adjust
- these drivers to your own needs. Note that the X11 drivers use so-called
- MIT Shared Memory Extension for fast transfers from buffer to a window. If
- you do not have MIT SHM extension in your system, remove
- #define MITSHM
- You can also turn MITSHM off (for example, if you use remote X terminal)
- by setting UseSHM variable to 0 before starting the emulation (-noshm
- option).
- Several other variables control the behaviour of the emulator. All of
- them should be set before starting the emulation in order to take effect:
- Verbose = 0..31
- Defines amount of debugging information printed by emulator. Default
- value is 1. Each bit of this variable enables printing of some kind
- of debugging info (VDP,CPU,memory,etc.).
- VPeriod = 10000..199999
- Defines how many CPU cycles should be executed between two interrupts.
- Normal interrupt rate is 60Hz for NTSC systems or 50Hz for PAL systems.
- Default value of VPeriod is 69905.
- CPURunning = 0/1
- Set this variable to 0 to stop CPU and exit the emulation.
- AutoA = 0/1
- Emulate autofire on the first fire button. Default value is 0.
- AutoB = 0/1
- Emulate autofire on the second fire button. Default value is 0.
- SndName = "filename"
- When SndName is not NULL, VGB will open a file with this name, and
- save the soundtrack into it. The default value is NULL.
- Trace = 0/1
- Print debugging information about CPU state. Default value is 1.
- #define DEBUG should be present in order to use this option. Tracing
- can be turned on and off during execution, for example, in keyboard
- driver.
- Trap = 0x0000..0xFFFF
- Automatically start tracing when PC reaches given address. #define
- DEBUG should be present in order to use this option.
- UPeriod = 1..10
- Defines how many interrupts should pass between two consequent screen
- updates. Default value of UPeriod is 2.
- CartName = "cartridge.file"
- Name of a .GB file to load. Default value is "CART.GB". This variable
- is ignored if no file exists.
- UseSHM = 0/1
- Use MIT SHM extension in X11 screen drivers. Default value is 1.
- #define MITSHM should be present in order to use this option.
- In order to run the emulation:
- 1. Set all necessary variables.
- 2. Initialize screen and keyboard drivers. In the case of X11 drivers,
- it is done by calling InitMachine() implemented in Unix.c and
- returning 1 on success or 0 otherwise,
- 3. Call StartGB().
- 4. Call TrashGB().
- 5. Shut down screen and keyboard. In X11 case, by calling TrashMachine().
- 6. Exit the program.
- Take a look at VGB.c to see an example of a sequence explained above.
- ---------------
- Marat Fayzullin